Prior to Dynamic Web Technologies course I wasn’t interested in JSON and no idea what AJAX even was. Whenever JSON or AJAX comes up I tend to shy away from it. The most I’ve ever done on JSON was a pre-built schema where I had to manipulate the data and I didn’t understand it. I’m pretty sure I passed it off to someone else. My biggest issue during this project was, What is JSON? I sat through the classes and I had no idea what was going on. I asked questions but I still didn’t understand it at all.
I spent 2 months of the project trying to understand jQuery and trying to work out how the TOP 10 TV API actually works. I didn’t understand how it was put together to be able to code it. I didn’t actually do the weather API with the class and just felt like a total failure as I slipped very far behind. I’ve heard of AJAX but I’ve never went out my way to use it. I didn’t know how to use it for a start.
Over the last month I picked up and started learning Postman. I followed various tutorials on from Google and YouTube for different API’s. Mainly the WordPress Rest API information. It took me about 2 weeks to actually understand how to use Postman and JSON finally clicked. I probably use the wrong terminology for it or call an end-point a route but I do finally understand it. I actually really enjoyed the API work for this project and I found it really fun to work with. I haven’t quite got the WordPress Rest API working via jQuery but I understand how it works in Postman. I have a bit to go with the jQuery syntax but I will get there. The issue I find with jQuery is that there doesn’t seem to be an easy or best way of doing things. It is sort of like a free for all with many different ways to come to the same point. I need to find what works for me but the append option seems to be what I’ve understood using. I have learned so much from this course from when I started back in January.
I’m in awe at the data I can take from an API. I tried some API’s for crypto and it didn’t quite turn out well but I can play with these in my own time. I find the API work fascinating and this is something I am going to pursue. The jQuery work is pretty fun as well. I’m aware from the class quite a few people don’t like it and that’s okay, it’s not for everyone. Most importantly, I do enjoy it and I’ve learned how to use it more. I learned how to append data from an API and manipulate HTML with Ajax techniques. That’s something I didn’t think I’d ever say about AJAX.
From being in the class there was also lots of complaints regarding the use of WordPress but I enjoyed that part as well. I work with WordPress so its kind of fair that I enjoy using it. I am aware of its limitations, especially with jQuery where my jQuery UI work didn’t quite turn out correctly. WordPress has is not without its faults but it has some amazing strengths. Its very efficient for making websites, most WordPress companies have a time vs money aspect and when push comes to shove, the fastest way to do something always wins.
For WordPress it is mainly used for quick static websites and small businesses for e-commerce. It has the potential to grow into medium sized e-commerce but eventually its limitations will start to impact the business in terms of server bulk. If the plugins can be kept to a minimum WordPress excels but if the plugins are on the high end, it starts to impact server load and it is noticeable. On top of this plugins can crash/conflict with each other.
Overall, my take-away from this project is I will continue to do API work and work on my jQuery. I would like to find myself in a position of using API’s with React but I will stick with jQuery right now. I am going to learn more about AJAX and use it more often. I get a lot out of jQuery for my job and I use it a more than I am aware. Most of what I do is using dynamic data and manipulating the HTML on the front end. When JSON clicked and I understood it, this project became a lot of fun. I’ve learned a few lessons about what not to do (mainly hide from something I don’t know), especially when I’m struggling. Going forward I have a few ideas for CRUD with the WordPress Rest API, mainly using it for a Custom Post Type rather than a blog.